The Preferences tab allows you to set default phiReport settings

Auto Update Column Width

When checked, resizing the data columns from the preview grid on the phiReport application automatically updates the column width definition of the active Data View.

Treat missing End Range

When using the "is Between (Inclusive)" or "is Between (Exclusive)" operators and the End Range value is not provided, phiReport will either use "is Greater Than" / "is Greater or Equals" or "Equals To" operator.

Default Alternate Color

Sets the color of alternating rows in phiReport preview, Excel, and final printing. Can be overridden at the report level.

Allow global Category updating for Data Section

When checked, phiReport will prompt the user to apply Data Section changes to all reports within the Active category.

Allow global Category updating for Custom List Criteria

When checked, phiReport will prompt the user to apply Custom List Criteria changes to all reports within the Active category.  If the Custom List Criteria is not defined it will be appened to the end of the report's criteria.